Friday, May 18, 2012


             Hello! My name is Susan Webb. I am double majoring in Criminal Justice and Police Studies. I will be graduating in December. This both excites and terrifies me. I love cats and reading. I absolutely hate fish wither they are pets or served for dinner.
            The reason I am enrolled in this class is to fulfill my last general education requirement. In all honesty I’m not sure what I expected of this class. Before reading the course overview it started as a class I had to take. After reading the course overview my interest in this class increased.  I agree with the fact that women are severely under-represented in other courses (found in course overview reading first page.)
            I am very interested in watching one of the documentaries on the list given. I decided to watch a documentary about sex trade. I think this will fit me perfectly because the topic not only fits my major but also contains my interest. Not only does the documentary topic fit into my major but so does this class. I hope this class gives me prospect on criminal justice issues concerning women.

1 comment:

  1. Susan,

    Welcome to the class. Glad to have you here. You have definitely chosen a tough career for women--though that shouldn't dissuade you! It's great you've already chosen your documentary. I think you're right: it will fit your major nicely. I think you'll find plenty in this class (especially in the section on violence) that will relate to your major--but since you're a women, there should actually be a ton of stuff that would apply to your and your life! Keep up the good work on the blog!
